Thank you for interest in a Teaching Assistant position for an MBLS course!
Molecular & Biophysical Life Sciences (MBLS) needs enthusiastic and motivated students (like you!) to join forces with professors in teaching and supervising junior Bachelor students during tutorials and/or practicals. MBLS is an english-taught interdisciplinary, international Bachelor program, featuring a very unique and diverse work environment. Currently, we are recruiting for period 4 of academic year 2024-2025.
What we offer:
- An opportunity to co-organize and teach a course with one or more of your professors
- Educational experience: a great addition to your academic resume
- A good salary to work in a laboratory/academic environment
What we look for:
- Motivated Bachelor or Master students, enrolled in a program compatible to our MBLS course
- Dedication to students’ needs and some familiarity with the course content
- Availability at the requested hours by our course coordinator (differs per course; workload will be discussed after application)
While applying, keep in mind that:
- All MBLS education is provided in English. We require our TAs to be proficient in both spoken and written English.
- The work hours usually require a time investment in between 20 to 60 hours per course, spread out over about three months. Additional hours may be asked for resit-training, blending in to the next period.
- Applying does not guarantee a Teaching Assistant position. However, not applying assures none! We look forward to receive your application.
- The Teaching Assistant position is meant to be a side-step from your own courses, not a replacement. Your work as an assistant is not intended to become a burden on your own achievements.
Remarks for non-EU/EER-students applying for a TA position:
- Regardless your country of origin, we naturally welcome all of you to apply for a TA position!
- If you apply for a position, you will receive a TopSelect contract! This is a zero-hour contract and can be processed faster.
- To work, you will need a work exemption on your student visa (TWV). Arranging a TWV can take up to 7 weeks. A TWV allows you to work 16 hours per week max. If you already have a job, this might conflict with being a TA! The TWV will be arranged by the recruiter.
- If you come from a non-EU/EER, we are aware of your higher tuition fees. In order to prevent the possibility of delay of your studies, keep in mind to discuss this accordingly during the application process with your course coordinator(s), internship(s) and supervisor(s)!
For some general information about employment as teaching assistant, see:
The following TA positions are available:
Period 4 (April 22nd - June 2025)
Course Code |
Course name |
Timeslot |
Available positions |
Physics of the Cell |
4 |
1 |
Tutorials |
Pharmaceutics & Pharmacology |
4 |
1 |
Practicals |
If you have any questions, please mail us via or approach the course coordinators directly.
If you have any questions about practical positions, please contact Paola De Magistris ( |