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Registration absence at compulsory meetings for
BSc Earth Sciences and MSc Earth Sciences at Geosciences
You are about to miss a compulsory meeting of a course because of illness or other circumstances beyond your control.
To register your absence from a compulsory meeting, please fill out this form.
Only forms that have been filed
prior to the start of the meeting
will be dealt with.
After you have sent this form, you will receive a confirmation of your notification of absence.
Do not forget to inform your course coordinator of your absence.
You can do this by sending a copy of the confirmation to him/her.
You can find the course coordinator’s name in Osiris
Depending on the nature of the compulsory meeting that you missed, the course coordinator may require that you do a replacement test.
It is possible that the course coordinator asks you to submit proof of illness or other circumstances beyond your control.
Student number:
First name:
Last name:
E-mail address:
Bachelor/Master's programme:
<please select>
Ba - Aardwetenschappen
Ma - Earth Life and Climate
Ma - Earth Structure and Dynamics
Ma - Earth Surface and Water
Ma - Marine Sciences
Ma - Water Science and Management
Course code of the course in question:
Title of the course in question:
Name of the course coordinator:
Type of compulsory meeting:
regular lecture
guest lecture
Date of the meeting:
Time of the meeting:
Reason of absence (e.g. illness, family circumstances)
The reason of absence may be of influence on the right to a replacement test.
Filled in truthfully
Upload additional information (e.g. medical certificate, etc.)
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