The war on Gaza in context: past and future beyond exceptionalism
Dr. Fabio Cristiano, Wednesday 12 June from 12.45 to 14.00
Location: Marinus Ruppertgebouw, Zaal B - Leuvenlaan 21, Utrecht (Science Park)
This lecture contextualises the ongoing war on Gaza within the broader Israel-Palestine context, delving into its historical peculiarities, possible futures, and significance for the Palestinian cause. Through an examination of the various forms of violence, from physical blockade to data violence, this lecture problematises exceptionalist discourses about the ongoing war and discusses how Gaza informs novel understandings of violent conflict, knowledge production, and solidarity in Palestine and beyond.
The series is open to all. Please arrive promptly and spread the word. We strive to create an inclusive and constructive learning environment. For this reason, all those attending are required to respect the rules of the collective, which means that any form of hate speech, intimidation, and harassment are not welcome. |