Here are items to include: (1) Why you made it (replacing parts / innovation / helping people / research), (2) Whom or what you made it for (course / thesis), (3) What is its purpose, (4) How did you make it (which techniques), (5) What did you learn?
A Quick Build implies you are already familiar with building at LPL and the tools needed for this build and require no involvement by LPL staff.
We offer:
Access to LPL equipment on all weekdays + 3D printing overnight
Use of basic consumables (to reasonable extent)
LPL instrument workshops and seminars
Mentorship to improve your designs
You promise:
To provide materials or budget specifically needed for your project (beyond basic consumbles)
To report (via a short description and photos) what you’ve learned/built (LinkedIn or JOGL)
We offer:
Everything from Makerlevel plus:
LPL grants up to 500 euros
Extensive mentorship
You promise:
To publish your project via the LPL JOGL platform in an open science spirit, making your results FAIR
Choose the option that applies best to this project. Choose multiple if applicable.
Please use a recognizable name (i.e. "Jan Janssen - Biologie" or "Space Lego - KWBI20")
You will use this name to log your fabrications (using QR codes).
For Maker tier: supply photos and a brief description to serve as input for an Instagram post.
For Open Science Hacker tier: supply open-source documentation describing your build in a way others can reproduce your results.
More extensive documentation is always encouraged!
You will receive a reminder and instructions on how to document near your project end date.