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First name
/ Voornaam
Last name /
Email /
Phone number /
Study programme /
Faculty /
Bètawetenschappen / Science
Diergeneeskunde / Veterinary Medicine
Geesteswetenschappen / Humanities
Geneeskunde / Medicine
Geowetenschappen / Geosciences
REBO / Law, Economics and Governance
Sociale Wetensch. / Social & Behavioural Sciences
University College Utrecht
Could you tell us something about the reason you want to join the Good Mourning group? / Kun je ons iets vertellen over de reden waarom je lid wilt worden van de Good Mourning-groep?
Could you tell us something about your expectations of the group? / Kun je ons iets vertellen over je verwachtingen van de groep?
How did you know of this initiative by student wellbeing?
/ Hoe heb je over dit initiatief van Studentenwelzijn gehoord?
Through the student website (of my study programme)
Through Instagram or other UU social media
Through Blackboard
Through a fellow student
Through email
Through Google
Other, namely
Other, namely
Yes, keep me updated on Student Wellbeing workshops and events during the rest of the current academic
year /
Ja, ik wil graag de rest van het lopende collegejaar op de hoogte gehouden worden van andere
trainingen en evenementen met betrekking tot Studentenwelzijn
For more information on how Utrecht University handles personal information see
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