Take your time with filling in the title and description, as it can matter in terms of the popularity of the activity. If you are unsure about the title and/or description, do not hesitate to contact us after filling in the form so we can think along with you.
We ask you to describe the activity in detail here, because we want to make sure we do not book double/similar activities. Describe here what subjects you will discuss, what the structure of the activity will be and/or what assignments the students will get etc.
UU Student Wellbeing focuses on 8 dimensions of wellbeing and vitality: emotional, financial, environmental, intellectual, occupational, physical, social and spiritual. To ensure that we have a balanced programme, we ask you to inform us which aspects are included in your activity.
Such as a beamer, microphones, but also flip-overs, paper, pens etc.
We ask your availability so we can immediately suggest a date and time to meet. If we are interested in including your activity, we would like to sit down (online/offline) to discuss other matters such as the budget, final date and time etc.
We ask your availability so we can immediately suggest a date and time to meet. If we are interested in including your activity, we would like to sit down (online/offline) to discuss other matters such as the budget, final date and time etc.
Assembling the Wellbeing Week(s) program requires collaboration with both paid and unpaid partners. Given our limited budget,
could you please provide an estimate of your pricing? Maybe you are even able to offer a workshop for free? / Om het programma
van de Wellbeing Week(s) samen te stellen moeten we samenwerken met zowel betaalde als onbetaalde partners. Gezien ons beperkte budget,
kunnen jullie een schatting geven van jullie prijzen? Misschien ben je zelfs in staat om een workshop gratis aan te bieden?